How Specific Green Coatings Benefit People, Buildings & Environment
In last week’s blog I wrote about the basic qualities and additional desirable characteristics of green coatings. Today, I’m following up...

Green Coatings to Protect People, Buildings & the Environment
One of my passions is that I’ve always loved hanging out in nature, getting off the grid to center myself and connecting with the...

Tornado Cough from Disasters is Preventable with MPEâ„¢
Have you ever heard of Tornado cough? Exposure to disaster debris and their side effects are becoming so common that individual types and...

Disaster Cleanup Can Lead to Their Own Disasters
Have you ever heard of the problems with disaster cleanup? After a disaster and cleanup starts, that’s when a whole host of other...

Big Disasters Produce Big Hazards Causing Both Primary & Secondary Exposure
I’m consistently asked the difference between direct and indirect exposure to hazardous materials. Direct exposure also known as a...

Wildfires Leave Behind Toxic Ash and Hazardous Debris Threatening Returning Residents
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those effected by the recent wildfires and to the brave firefighters. Hazardous substances left...

Big Benefits to Brownfield Properties from GEI’s Green Coatings Encasement
One of the people I have great respect for is Mavis Nye, the founder of Mavis Nye Foundation. She does wonderful work with her foundation...

Asbestos Spray-on Fireproofing – Economically Encased, Not Expensively Replaced
I just spoke to a guy who said he had spent a lot of time on the GLOBAL Encasement, Inc. (GEI) and Encasement Guy websites researching...

Aid in Toxic Clean Up after Disasters - Minimize and Avoid Secondary Exposure
Flood waters, hurricanes, earthquakes, tropical storms, rising rivers, tsunamis, typhoons, tornados and wild fires can all leave toxic...

Ilocos, The Philippines - Lecture to 1,000+ Architect’s on Green Coatings Encasement
Turning surfaces solar reflective while stopping the generation of harmful waste. I recently gave a lecture in Ilocos, Philippines to...