EPA & Lead Paint Poisoning
Lead Paint Poisoning is Preventable Through Education and Action

As I globe trot, I’m always hopeful that people and countries all over the world become more aware of the negative health effects from deteriorating lead-based paint. It’s a well-known and documented fact that substances made with lead, including paint, are extremely harmful when breathed in and ingested. Children are especially vulnerable. Lead-contaminated dust from chipped and peeling lead-based paint is one of the most common causes of elevated blood lead levels in children. Even short-term exposure can cause damage and produce long-term consequences. Though the USA banned the use of lead in paint over 4 decades ago in 1978, there continues to be far reaching ramifications of this toxic paint that continues to break down and is released into the environment, exposing everyone who comes in contact with it. Many of the countries I visited and worked in are still manufacturing and unnecessarily using lead-based paint, even though lead in paint is no longer needed. Properties that were once desirable through lead are now replicated through other means that are actually superior in cleaner, non-offensive ingredients.

Photo from CDC Infographic
Recently, the US Federal Appeals Courts decision called attention to the persistent threat of lead paint to children in millions of American homes 40 years after it was banned from households, and ordered the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to revise its nearly 17-year-old standard for dangerous levels of lead in paint and dust. The EPA has duties to uphold regarding the Toxic Substances Control Act and its amendments contained in the Paint Hazard Act. It will need to follow a court order and must propose a new rule within 90 days of June 22, 2018. This states the agency must re-evaluate the risks from lead-based paint. Strengthening the standards for lead in dust is an important component of EPA’s strategy to curtail childhood lead exposure. Doing so will help reduce the risk of childhood lead exposure and make it a top priority to protect the brains and overall well being of thousands of children across the country.
Learn more about this important decision by going to this link: http://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/opinions/2017/12/27/16-72816.pdf
Get educated on how to best simply and safely in-place manage lead-based paint with Green Coatings Encasement by contacting us at service@encasement.com.