Locking Down Hazardous Material at Fukushima and Outlying Prefectures

On March 11, 2011, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant was damaged by the tsunami that resulted from the Tohoku earthquake, emitting a large amount of radiation due to a hydrogen explosion. GLOBAL Encasement, Inc., a U.S. Federal GSA Schedule Contract holder and the manufacturer of high performance coatings that lock down and seal hazardous materials, quickly offered assistance. The eco-friendly, biodegradable coatings have superior elongation, are highly impact, abuse and chemically resistant and can absorb, lock down and prevent radioactive dust in the soil and debris from becoming airborne. They can be equally effective in preventing secondary exposure when removing and transporting the contaminated debris and soil.
GLOBAL Encasement, Inc. dispatched a volunteer team from the U.S. who specialize in crisis control, and donated 180 gallons of coatings to TEPCO in cooperation with Touhoku Enterprise Co. Ltd. The team conducted a demonstration for TEPCO in Fukushima on May 21, 2011 by spray applying the coatings to show how to lock down the radioactive dust and help prevent secondary exposure to people and the environment. This demonstration proved the effectiveness of these coatings and TEPCO approved their use and started purchasing the coatings for application over radioactive contaminated debris at the Daiichi-Nuclear Power Plant site.

A Global Encasement, Inc. System was applied with MPE Multi-Purpose Encapsulant™, PrepLESS Primer™, and Your Last Coat™ to seal and manage-in-place the radioactive dust on all surfaces. With this System Design, radioactive dust on walls can be managed-in-place and will be able to sustain repeated pressure washing. Radioactive dust on the ground and debris, on the other hand, after encasement can be rolled up and properly disposed of because of the system's adhesion and flexibility.