Solving Tough Building Challenges in India with Simple Green Coating Encasement
I’m fortunate to have a job that takes me all over the world. This time, I went to India for a huge project with the international...

The Greenest Buildings are the Ones Still Standing
It is often stated that “the Greenest buildings are the ones still standing.” But what does it mean to be truly green? I’d say a green...

Thomas Wildfire & Defensive Surfaces
I was just at my office in Ventura, CA where the scars of the Thomas wildfire were so fresh and the residual smoky smell still hung in...

How Specific Green Coatings Benefit People, Buildings & Environment
In last week’s blog I wrote about the basic qualities and additional desirable characteristics of green coatings. Today, I’m following up...

Green Coatings to Protect People, Buildings & the Environment
One of my passions is that I’ve always loved hanging out in nature, getting off the grid to center myself and connecting with the...

Ilocos, The Philippines - Lecture to 1,000+ Architect’s on Green Coatings Encasement
Turning surfaces solar reflective while stopping the generation of harmful waste. I recently gave a lecture in Ilocos, Philippines to...