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Solid Waste Produce Monstrous Greenhouse Gases

The generation of solid waste produces monstrous greenhouse gases that contribute to harmful human-induced Global Warming and Climate Change. The worldwide scientific community, as a whole, agrees that we need to stop, prevent, and minimize our destructive actions contributing to Global Warming or the results will be devastating.

Many landfills today are at their maximum capacity and some are overflowing. I feel compelled to again drill down on this important issue of how we unnecessarily create excessive and massive amounts of solid waste and how simple actions can help prevent this. I’ve been a vegetarian for nearly 40 years for several reasons. But for this posting, I’ll just stick with the less stress on the planet by helping reduce waste. In that same time, I’ve been protecting buildings and extending the service life of their surfaces through the use of the proper coatings. Although I do what I can to recycle and not waste, always trying to conserve wherever possible, my true passion is restoring older structures, rejuvenating worn out buildings and individual building surfaces so as not to create more unnecessary waste. I’ve been very fortunate to combine what I love doing with several business opportunities. As the saying goes “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” This passion for repairing, restoring and protecting buildings satisfies several needs in me. Most important of them is to protect people and the environment by not unnecessarily generating offending waste. Restoring and not replacing a building or its surfaces is the best way to keep it in service and out of overflowing landfills. And the best way to restore and protect a building surface is with Green Coatings Encasement.

Life Cycle of Waste

The life cycle of waste starts with the use of natural resources to produce raw materials needed to produce usable products to construct buildings. At the end of a building's service life, it is demolished, transported and disposed of either by composting, incineration or storage in a landfill. All of these require large amounts of energy and produce unwanted greenhouse gases. The usual building life cycle is way too short, especially for individual building components like roofing. It is of paramount importance to protect and preserve a building so not to have to dispose of and substitute it, which requires precious natural resources and energy. Proactively defending your buildings and its surfaces from all sorts of attacks with protective measures will prevent the breakdown of the structure. In return, this will stop the building and its components from needing early replacement and kept out of landfills.

Pier A

The pier is undergoing a 28 million-dollar restoration after vacant for 25 years become a center for retail stores and restaurants.

In today’s world the environmentally and economically conscious, seek to recycle and reuse both buildings and specific building components. With the proper use of the right protective, green coatings, we can preserve structures by defensively sealing them in. Thereby, preserving and refurbishing existing building stock, and decreasing the generation of waste into offending landfills. These simple actions that are socially responsible will have lasting and positive environmental benefits that are good for all of us. To learn more about minimizing waste while protecting and restoring your buildings with GLOBAL Encasement, Inc.’s Green Coatings Encasement contact us at

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